"workout booster 2"

Monday, May 13, 2013

About two years ago, I wrote a review on using Lipo-6 by Nutrex to help me kickstart my weight loss & fitness journey. In 5 months, I lost about 8kg of weight from working out 5 times a week and eating well.

I have been maintaining the current yo-yo weight of 45-47kg for some time now, and I'm looking to add-on lean muscle and shed more blubber. I want ab definition. I have also stopped taking in any pre-workout formulas, which make me really full & bloated from all that liquid intake - but you can still read my reviews and experience with those. Hence why I will now be taking on a newer version of Lipo-6, which is the Lipo-6x.

This practically works the same way as its predecessor, but with a new capsule technology for duration. And today being my first day, I have to say I got the jitters after taking my first pill. Good jitters with a lot of sweating from the heat. Don't worry, this usually wears off. However seeing as this is a more advanced formula, I'll need a few more days into it before I can give my verdict.

This time round, it's not to lose weight. In fact, I think I'll be putting on more weight this time - not fat, but muscle weight. Many people say that products don't work for them (in terms of weight) because they forget that muscle is heavier and more dense than fats - especially those who add weights into their workout. You would only see a decrease of weight if you do solely cardio - but you will not look toned or fit. So the REAL goal here? Lose all that extra flab and gain some muscle - look good and listen to the  mirror despite what the weighing scale tells me.

Watch this space for updates.

But before that, please read the DISCLAIMER:
I am in no way paid to write this, nor am I affiliated to the brand in any way. This is NOT an advertorial. This is a product that hasn't had any clinical studies conducted upon, therefore you will be taking it at your own risk. Side effects will vary from person to person. The effectiveness of this product must be paired with proper diet & nutrition and a constant fitness regimen. This is NOT a miracle pill.


DAY 1 & 2
I had two capsules per day, one in the morning about 10am and another in the evening at 5pm, before my usual 6.30pm workout. I haven't had the chance to hit the gym yet, but I can say it gives me a good flow of energy. I get a little hot and hyper in the morning but by noon, it would have worn off. I got a bout of jitters too, but that only lasted for less than an hour. I was able to sleep quite well the night before, so there isn't much side effects. Most importantly, I find that it helps to constantly drink water. At least 4 times an hour.

On day two I went to the gym, had an hour Pump class and an hour Combat class. Weights and cardio ain't easy without my usual pre-workout (Amino Energy by Optimum Nutrition) and I was extremely tired within the first 30 minutes of each class. I made it though and I was sweating buckets by the end of each. Do I feel sexier after? Sure do. ;)

I weighed myself and I seem to have lost 1kg (standing at 46kg now) and so far I haven't had any insomnia side effects. But I do feel like throwing up during my workouts and experience a bad bout of chest pains while working out. I don't have a lot of energy from this, which requires me to still rely on my pre-workout drinks. My appetite is suppressed though, so that isn't too bad.

I learnt that you should not take the pill if you do not have enough sleep the night before. It will cause you to have really bad headaches, a bit of nausea and you will get a bout of cold sweat. I even experienced a two-hour long anxiety attack in the morning. So, please skip a day if you're not sleeping well and drinking enough fluids. Definitely do not consume alcohol with the pill. That's a no-brainer.

Progress, I have not weighed myself since day 7 but my tummy is flatter and I feel that I am a bit slimmer overall. My thighs seem to have shrunk a bit with my waist (but unfortunately so has my butt. But never mind, I shall do more squats). Very slight changes in my first week, but very promising. :)

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