
"what's in your phone?"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do you ever look back through all the photos you have ever taken in your mobile phone? I never usually do but then as I had to clear off some things today from my Blackberry (I'm nearly out of my 2GB memory space), I noticed some of the quirky little things I've taken with my phone which I had totally forgotten about. Here are some of them, at least they get to be seen on my blog since I'm deleting them all.

These are one of the most bizarre things I've seen in my life. My grandma bought this plant that blooms into 'bird-shaped' flowers. I don't know if you can see the vague bird-like shape.

Some super tall, super gorgeous, and super expensive Sergio Rossi shoes that were brought in for a photoshoot in my workplace. <3

One of the tastiest and cheesiest burger I had from The Daily Grind, Bangsar.

This was when my friend demonstrated how his new Motorola Defy was 100% waterproof. It's true!

This was taken when I discovered that Red Bull can drink tabs has an awesome diecut of the bull. Yes, that's the art & design geek in me speaking.

This is my uncle's albino turtle. It's so white, you can see the pink of its flesh showing through. :s

This was me, having a chocolate tiramisu in an edible chocolate cup, from the UK.

This was the day I met Ironman in the flesh. Who turned out to be my brother.

I don't even know how to begin explaining Tigger's rudeness.

This here's my dad, too caught up with the iPad that he didn't even give a hoot about what we leave on his head & his lap.

My brother's new cellphone, brought in from Japan. Which has now become his backup phone.

So these are some of the odd things I found in my Blackberry. What did you find in yours?


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