The Business Of Being Fit

Friday, June 20, 2014

For the May 2014 issue of The Peak Malaysia, I worked on a fitness feature involving corporate figures who talk to us about their fitness regime and lifestyle – and how they fit it into their hectic schedules.

It was a hectic shoot that was done within two days, with two very amazing photographers, Delvin & Li from Image Rom photography studio. We also partnered with Fitness Concept, who were very kind to loan us all the fitness equipment for the photo shoot, including two stationary Tour de France cycling machines, a treadmill and a lot of other smaller equipments.

Some of the shots we did. The art direction was mostly by me, with some help from my wonderful photographers. And mind you, we did most of the shoot under the hot sun, and I am so thankful for these great personalities who put up with the sun and sweat.

Gotta love the matching Tour de France bikes, and the ladies in matching shirts – in two different colors. They are cycling friends who go way back.

Grace has never really done much yoga, and I was screaming, "Crow pose, downward dog! Sun salutation!" And she went like "I don't know what sort of animal poses are those!"

I love this photo, and to think this space is his office! 

For the full story, please refer to the May 2014 issue of The Peak Malaysia.

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