
Gorging Day

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Another year has passed. My lovely boss took us all out for the team's annual Gorging Day. Although not an actual holiday (it always falls on a work day), Gorging Day must occur a few days before the actual holiday (in this case, Christmas) and it must include pork.

Our Gorging Day venue selection for this year is at the Smoking Hog. Nestled in between the intersections of SS2 PJ, you can find a door (actually, more like a hole in the wall) with a floral pig ornament hanging above it in a little back alley. You take the lift up to the third floor... and walk into a restaurant filled with dark grandeur, and pig-related decor. I loved it upon first sight! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, just my phone, so all images I have are quite substandard.

The food however, is glorious in all its pigginess.

This is the Beer & Bacon Mancakes – a beer mug with pancakes and ice-cream, topped with a Guinness Stout candied bacon, served with a side of maple syrup. Delicious!

Cheese fries with bacon bits – can't go wrong!

Deviled eggs. Not too flavorful, but was creamy.

They do beef burgers as well, which comes with an awesome presentation and the smell of smoked meat. It's simply gorgeous!

Macha's Got Balls – lamb meat balls. Extremely delicious.

The huge sharing platter that got everyone full in no time.

We also did a short session of Secret Santa (another Peak tradition) and everyone got fabulous gifts to show for. After that, we headed back to the office in a food-coma stupor and tried not to fall asleep as it started raining gloomily.

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